Tuesday’s Tip #8:
Sorry, no tip this week, but there is some photo learning news! I will be having a very casual, free beginner photography class in a few weeks. Make sure to RSVP now if you are interested. Just let me know in some way or another (casual right?). The event will be on May 20th at 5pm in Seattle. The specific location is to be determined, but will be pretty central to Seattle. More info can be found on the event page: http://www.facebook.com/traciehowephotography/events . Please check it to see if this is something that would be helpful for you and whatever camera you have. I won’t make any rules about who can or cannot come, but I want people to be able to get something out of an intro class. I will update the event page when I know how many people are coming and where it will be held, so check back if you’ve RSVPed! I hope you can make it!